We create unique software tools to help stock traders and investors


Anything special about this game vs. zillion other paper trading platforms?


The #1, PLATO'S DISCIPLE ON WALL STREET Focusing on buy/sell decision making. If you compared, you could tell that all big vendors are bragging how "REAL" and how "comprehensive" their platforms are. The benefit? You surely learn how to use the platform, familiar with dazzling buttons, grids, and 100+ advanced indicators and flags. Memory will improve quite a lot, no doubt. How about brain power on buy/sell decision making process? Not so much! But that is the ONLY thing that matters, at the end of the day. Our game gives you endless hands-on training specifically on BUY/SELL sensitivity over a very near-to-real stock market. You decide the pace yourself! That's why we also call it a personal gym for stock trader. In any gym, you want to build up muscles instead of learning how to use complex gears, right? this is what is this game for! (YouTube channel)

The #2, No need to register a membership or login. Just launch and play. No hidden cost. Our game offering is either anonymously free (web version), or you can buy it with a small amount of money, just like you pay for any small classic PC game in the old days (Microsoft store). There is no hidden cost or secret user registration anywhere around it.

The #3, Game score is saved locally offline. PC version saves score automatically on local hard drive. Web version has copy function, so you can paste to Excel spreadsheet. Serious traders always review their scores and charts and brewing new trading ideas based on that. Not all, but some vendors don't save your charts and scores offline easily.

In addition, our game data is always fresh, and user interface is as simple & responsive as it could. All these adding together can smoothly serve as a personal training gym for any trader or trader-to-be to practice, workout as many rounds as they like, in their own comfortable terms! 🏋 🚴

Happy trading & Cheers!

